
The Canon D30 is an incredible piece of machinery -- a digital SLR
that truly rivals film.
Far be it from me to discuss the technical details or even to
provide a review. See www.dpreview.com
for reviews of it (as well as many other digital cameras).
Here I'll merely note some personal information:
- Most images on this site were taken with it (with the notable
exception of the above image, although I now have a backup D30 I
could have used).
- As of right now (09/28/01) there is no finer digital camera to
buy (even including the *new* Canon 1D). The new Nikon D1x
would be the only other choice, IMHO. (Note: as of 2004, my
choice would be the Canon Digital Rebel, which looks to be an
absolutely fabulous digital SLR and a great value).
- It uses all the Canon AF lenses. For details on what
lenses to buy, see Canon D30 Lens Guide
- You can create extremely fantastic 8x10 printouts with this
camera and the photo quality printers, like the Epson
870/1270. You can (and I have) make enlargements up to
Super B size (13" x 19") and the quality remains
You won't be doing much cropping, though. For all but the
most demanding pros this should be more than enough.
- I'll never take another frame of film in my life again.